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Article Archive

Frequency Regulation

Not Just for Reliability Anymore
In a recent order, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said that by paying the wrong price for the ancillary service known as frequency “regulation,” system operators have encouraged too many gas-fired turbines and other conventional fossil power plants to supply regulation service.

What's Solar Really Worth?

Requests for proposals to supply solar power facilities frequently specify prices to be stated in only one way—dollars per watt DC, or dollars per kilowatt-hour, for example. But a one-dimensional approach to pricing leads to skewed valuation, because different technologies and system designs produce value in different ways.

Transmission Rate Incentives

Did FERC Jump the Gun?
In an October order, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) trimmed the authorized rate incentive for the RITELine transmission project by one-third. The action prompted Commissioner Moeller to ask whether the commission is retreating from its incentive policy on needed transmission lines.

Going Once ...

Asset options in a fast-moving market.
Mergers and acquisitions can help companies balance their asset portfolios and improve their financial strength. But economic and regulatory forces are driving more buyers into the market, and the demand for attractive targets might soon outstrip the supply.

Cheap Gas Forever?

Demand Curve Points to Rising Prices
Even with recent large natural gas discoveries and strong inventories, the supply of natural gas isn’t elastic enough to handle significant demand increases. Rising gas prices will push coal back into the money despite coal plants’ high costs to comply with EPA regulations.
