
PUR Guide 2012 Fully Updated Version

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Article Archive

States' Rights, Gamed Markets

RTO Bidding Rules
FERC OK's PJM's capacity price floor, but questions remain about 'legitimate interests.'

EVs and the Smart Grid

Accelerating Progress
Better batteries, renewables and more intelligent electricity networks are converging to deliver efficiency and environmental improvements. Electric vehicle (EV) batteries are both the stumbling block and the catalyst for transformative change.

Making Solar Grid-Friendly

Why integrating utility-scale solar will follow the wind model.
If made fully “grid-friendly,” utility-scale solar ought to be able to act like a traditional power plant — aiding voltage stability and supporting grid integrity during transmission system disturbances.

Chat Grows Up

Using online chat to enhance the customer experience
Given the consumer push-back against smart metering, utilities can get ahead of the learning curve and provide both customer service and education through proactive online chat technology. But telephone agents aren’t the same as chat agents, and online chat must be properly implemented to maintain the ‘human element.’
