
PUR Guide 2012 Fully Updated Version

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Regulatory Decisions

Wind Unit Sound Limits

Vermont wind generation: ceilings on wind unit sound levels are based on turbine sizes.

Idaho Energy Efficiency Programs

Idaho PUC declares prudent an electric utility's investment of $7.46 million in energy-efficiency programs in 2014 and 2015.

Customer-Sited Energy Storage

California PUC: The state's Self-Generation Incentive Program has been successfully relaunched amidst heavy customer demand for program incentives

New York Slashes LDC's Rate Proposal

Natural gas rates: NY disapproves more than 85% of a local distribution company's proposal.

Minnesota Opts to Deregulate Large Incumbent Wireline Carrier

Telecom competition: In arriving at its decision that CenturyLink met the criteria for more flexible regulation, the commission reviewed numerous technical issues.

Indiana Court Upholds Increase Granted IPL in 2016

Electric rate appeal: At issue was a 2016 rate order that granted Indianapolis Power & Light Co. (IPL) $29.6 million in rate relief.

New York OKs Grid Tariff

Battery storage: NY endorses ConEd’s proposed tariff that permits large commercial batteries in New York City to feed the electric grid

California Aims to Enhance Existing DER Storage Goals

Calif. Energy Storage: The commission’s decision builds on a prior order, issued in 2013, that requires the three utilities to purchase more than 1,000 MW of energy storage capacity by 2020, with connection to the grid no later than 2024.

Court: No Error by FERC in Issuing Certificate Before State Did

Pipeline Project Approval: Neither the EA nor the CPCN allowed the pipeline to proceed with actual construction activity until it had received CWA 401 authorization from Pennsylvania.
