
PUR Guide 2012 Fully Updated Version

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Regulatory Decisions

Oregon Concurs with Idaho on North Valmy Closure Costs

North Valmy usually is run now only to meet demand during peak cold and hot weather.

Electric Service Accident

Southern California Edison must pay a civil penalty of $2.01 million for a deadly 2013 incident.

Oregon Addresses Procurement Requirements

Oregon PUC approved an initial framework to develop community solar programs.

Utility Pole and Conduit Survey

California will examine the need for a comprehensive census of utility pole and cable capacity.

New Hampshire Issues Revised Guidelines

Reforms aimed at minimizing impact of net metering on nonparticipating ratepayers.

Community Aggregation Programs

California: Bills should reflect fair cost allocation as aggregation opportunities rise.

Mississippi Throws in the Towel on the Kemper Energy Center

Mississippi Power to relicense Kemper as a natural gas-only plant, ending "clean coal" aspect.

DER Microgrids

New Jersey accepted microgrid funding submissions from 12 applicants.

D.C. Orders LDC to Develop Program and Provide Cost Estimate

Washington Gas Light must design a program for alternative natural gas suppliers and their customers.

EV Charging Service

Washington UTC advocates a competitive marketplace for EV charging services.
