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EZ-EV, Electrification 2018 1

EZ-EV, an Exelon subsidiary was at the Electric Power Research Institute’s Electrification 2018 International Conference & Exposition held in Long Beach, California August 20-23.

PUF’s editor-in-chief Steve Mitnick caught up with Exelon subsidiary EZ-EV CEO Michael Kurzeja in a video interview. With Kurzeja were EZV alternative fuels project manager Tony Haring; content and social media project manager Sol Betesh; and International content development project manager Cecelia Norris.



Michael Kurzeja: We have really strong relationships at both the auto OEM level and at the local dealership level. What we do is we leverage those relationships to get phenomenal deals on electric vehicles and improve the customer experience, the buying experience of actually buying an electric vehicle, and really help people make the transition to electric vehicles.


September 21. That’s the deadline for your organization to nominate its top innovators for the honor roll of top innovators nationally, to be celebrated in our special November issue of Public Utilities Fortnightly on innovation. Write Alexandra Revel for details. She’s at