
PUR Guide 2012 Fully Updated Version

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PUF's Where's Energy

Track and Tilt

A solar panel put in the southwest will be much more cost-effective, and much more effective at slowing climate change, than if it’s put anywhere else in the continental U.S.

Nikola's Memorable May

On May 1, 1888, Nikola Tesla was issued seven patents that literally made our world.

Martin Insull's 1931 PUF article

He wasn't famous like his brother Samuel, but Martin Insull co-founded General Electric...

We Begin Bombing in Five Minutes

1984 is the last year we burned less coal than we did in 2016.

Kw consumption flat, but reliance rises

Steve Mitnick of Public Utilities Fortnightly on growth in electricity usage

$3.95 Daily

Americans in the West pay $3.38 daily for residential electric service, on average, in the Midwest $3.53, in the Northeast $3.58.

April 24: Charles Brush patents the arc light

The arc light, competitor to incandescent light, battled for primacy well into the early twentieth century

Your Expert Guess

Consumers can only conclude that a very large percent of electricity’s cost is the cost of fuel.

Al Capone thwarted by Sam Insull

How did federal agent Eliot Ness and the Untouchables bring down Capone? Sam Insull and the utilities industry were key.

Cold Hard Truth, No. 3

If one nuke shuts down, or if a new one isn’t built, that’s another 4.5 million tons of climate change gas into the atmosphere every year. Not good.
