This comprehensive self-study certification course is designed to teach the novice or pro everything they need to understand and succeed in every phase of the public utilities business.
“We don’t testify, generally. Our Staff is advisory, so we’re an extension of the Commissioners. Our job is to investigate the issues before the Commission and advise them.”
Author Bio:
Dave Parsons is chief for policy and research at the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
“Our journey of PBR was solidified by legislation that did mandate that we investigate a way to break the link between capital investment and revenue for the utility.”
Author Bio:
Jennifer Potter is a commissioner at the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
“The focus for us right now is cost containment of the companies. Are the costs justifiable to us that eventually the ratepayer needs to pay in base rates?”
Author Bio:
Leo Asuncion is a commissioner at the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission.
We interviewed the chair, commissioners and more at Hawaii's Public Utilities Commission.
Author Bio:
Steve Mitnick is President of Lines Up, Inc., Editor-in-Chief of Public Utilities Fortnightly, and author of “Lines Down: How We Pay, Use, Value Grid Electricity Amid the Storm.”
“We have four cross-island transmission lines of 69 kV. During that storm, three of them got affected, so we only had one transmission line remaining across the island.”
Author Bio:
Robert Kaneshiro is Operations Superintendent at Hawaii Electric Light.
Leland Cockcroft is System Planning Engineer at Hawaii Electric Light.
“Community Based Renewable Energy is where you have a solar farm but people that live in a condo or have an odd-shaped roof may be able to invest in those panels and get a bill credit as if they have rooftop solar.”
Author Bio:
Yoh Kawanami is co-director for customer energy resources at Hawaiian Electric.
“Our islands are relatively small, and the acreage footprint is going to start to become a more contentious issue. We’re going to need to look for technologies that don’t use up as much of our precious resources.”
Author Bio:
Jack Shriver is the director for generation project development at Hawaiian Electric.